Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Tide Has Turned!

A real life proof that luck takes the shape of a parabola, as per the graph below.

Day 1:


Standard issue cookie. Nothing special.

Enclosed Fortune:

What a terrible fortune! First of all, it's not even a fortune. It talks about the present not the future. Second, it doesn't say anything about me. I'll try again...

Day 2:


Standard issue cookie.

Enclosed Fortune:

What? That's the worst fortune ever. I should have stuck with the weather one. Lemme give the wheel of fortune another whirl...

Day 3:


Half cookie. Where's the rest of my cookie? Some guy in a fortune cookie factory ate half my cookie! This doesn't bode well...

Enclosed Fortune:

Wait a minute. I'm missing the fortune, too. There is no fortune with my half cookie! What the heck?? I've reached point 0,0 on the graph!

Day 4:


Ok, back to a standard fortune cookie. Things are looking up!

Enclosed Fortune:

Booyah! Can it get any better than that? Let's see...

Day 5:


Oh yeah, that's a Double! Bet you've never seen that before! I'm flying high with my siamese cookies!

Enclosed Fortune:

You know what, I'm so stoked about my double cookie that I'm not even going to open them. Can you really improve on a double cookie? I'm already at the top of the curve and I'm content with that! Afterall, the cookie is the best part of the whole fortune cookie experience. Granted, there's a one percent chance that I'll crack open these cookies to find even more baby cookies inside, but I'm going to quite while I'm ahead.

...and just like that, things are looking up all of a sudden...


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