Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Buy One, Get One Free

There’s an old adage that when it rains, it pours. I think this succinctly describes the cyclic nature of life. It is unlikely that things will come to you in equal proportion at constant, predictable intervals throughout the course of your life. Rather, it often happens that a long period of famine will be followed by a short period of feast.

In an somewhat related note, Forbes has just ranked The Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) among the top ten places for single people. Here’s how the single life has treated me the last month in my fair Triangle. I’ll give a brief recount of my life with the ladies during what can only be called the summer of absurdity.

Some 4 women, totally unsolicited, have come up to me and either given me their phone number or asked me out.

The first one gave me her number and said that I should meet her husband. My friendship with both of them has gone really well and it would not even bear mentioning except for the fact that it was the first in a series of similar occurrences.

The second one asked me to dinner… and invited her priest along. This was a complete disaster. The poor girl was mortified as her priest and I yelled back and forth across the table at one another. She may be the only one who escaped without incurring the wrath of God. Note to my female readers, if you cause your date to be sentenced to eternal damnation, you’re probably not going to score a second date.

The third one, a 22 year old, asked me to the movies and later admitted that it was a scheme that she and her boyfriend had come up with to find him some “smart” friends. I was the target of the plot that they had carefully orchestrated during a long car ride back from Canada. I’m flattered, I guess?

The fourth one, a 50 something year old, asked me to come over and have dinner with her and her lesbian lover. She said my dog could come along, too. I recall that my official response was, “Ha!” as I quickly side-saddled away.

(I’m excluding from consideration the girl who admitted that she didn’t shower regularly and the undergrad coke fiend, both of whom were likely involved in a domestic partnership or perhaps common law marriage, but I didn’t stick around long enough to find out or be propositioned.)

Point is this. If you’re single and looking for any of the above, the Triangle is the place for you! It may be 100 degrees outside, but couples rain down like manna from heaven (not that I'm invited there anymore).


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