Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Dance Monkeys

I thought this was pretty interesting...


Blogger Unknown said...

dance monkey, I SAID DANCE!

10:46 PM  
Blogger Ryann said...

So even though that kind of insulted my belief system (and all others), I'm still laughing.

11:46 PM  
Blogger Nathan said...

It was interesting. I thought it was most interesting (and quite typical of this sort of thing) that the creator affirms and denies the fundamental point of his clip at the same time. He goes to great lengths to describe how pointless everything is, how we all need to "just be" to be happy. But then he throws in the idea that "the monkeys have so much potential."

Potential for what? By saying that, he implies that there is, somewhere, a useful endeavor or goal, and as soon as he accepts that, he is accepting a standard. Standards imply transcendence, the existence of truth outside our solipsism.

He also starts with the assumption that he is the only one with this idea of truth (even though it is a very nihilistic understanding of truth. He therefore discounts the idea that those billions of "other monkeys" who believe in a god might be on to something, a natural explanation that fits the sad, incomplete feeling of the world while allowing for the potential this guy believes in.

He thinks that murder for the sake of an idea proves that it is false. But anyone who actually believed his nihilism would kill themselves. Ideas are violent things. Or rather, people (who deep down earnestly believe in Truth) find ideas compelling reasons to be violent because of that deep down conviction. That is the fundamental essence of humanity that this guy is missing.

Very interesting.

11:36 AM  

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